Incorporar objetos criados com impressora 3D em atividades em salas de aula de matemática inclusivas

  • Mariana Torres Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral/Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco
Palavras-chave: impressão 3d, Matemática, Tinkercad, Braile


In the following writing you will find a didactic proposal, more precisely 3D printing and its competences in the area of ​​mathematics, the week-by-week description of the pedagogical intentions and how knowledge becomes more complex in its progress, the evaluations and the expected performances for the sequence using the Tinkercad software. The learning route for each of the eight weeks is developed, illustrating the key learning ideas to be developed, the expected performances and a brief description of the learning activities. The activities are described, the possible forms of organization of the students, where the questions that generate inquiry processes and their possible answers appear as the way of approaching the problem situation.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Gonzalez-Gomez, J., Valero-Gómez, A., Prieto-Moreno, A., Abderrahim, M. (2012). A New Open Source 3D-Printable Mobile Robotic Platform for Education. In: Rückert, U., Joaquin, S., Felix, W. (eds) Advances in Autonomous Mini Robots. (pp. 49-62). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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Como Citar
Torres, M. (2023). Incorporar objetos criados com impressora 3D em atividades em salas de aula de matemática inclusivas. UNIÓN - REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE EDUCACIÓN MATEMÁTICA, 19(68). Obtido de
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2023-04-10
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2023-08-19
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-08-31